In The Beginning ...

... there were healthy feet. This blog will track my journey to Africa, Australia and New Zealand - the fulfillment of a childhood dream of climbing Kilimanjaro, and the experience of a dream adventure: making safari and exploring a bit of our world.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

The 45th Parallel

I am at or near latitude 45 degrees south. This is halfway between the equator and Antarctica.

The 45th parallel north is roughly the US / Canadian border.

The reason I mention this is that the sun rises and sets late, and twilight lasts until 10:15 pm or later. It's also the summer solstice, here, and the longest day of their year.

It is a very interesting phenomenon to part the drapes and still see daylight at 10 pm.

Since there is a sign marking this point in Omaru, New Zealand, which is 120 km north of Dunedin, I'll have to rent a car to get there. Maybe I'll be able to make time to do this!

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