In The Beginning ...

... there were healthy feet. This blog will track my journey to Africa, Australia and New Zealand - the fulfillment of a childhood dream of climbing Kilimanjaro, and the experience of a dream adventure: making safari and exploring a bit of our world.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Fourth of the Big Five

The balloon was launched just after moonset and
rose gently into the sky. It was not at all scary, probably because the changes were so slight and slow - unlike in an airplane. We never got above about 1000 feet and did not see vase herds of anything because the vast herds haven't yet made it north. They are about 50 miles away. This is due to the fact that the rains have not only moved north, as is typical, but have also remained in the south. Thus, the herds of wildebeest, zebra, etc. have no need to hurry north.

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