In The Beginning ...

... there were healthy feet. This blog will track my journey to Africa, Australia and New Zealand - the fulfillment of a childhood dream of climbing Kilimanjaro, and the experience of a dream adventure: making safari and exploring a bit of our world.

Friday, October 26, 2007


The weather may clear this afternoon; the sun is already peeking through the clouds once in a while.

I'm killing time while waiting to do some laundry. The hostel restricts the use of the laundry room and I have to wait until 1 pm my time. The local Dept. of Conservation office is staffed only when someone is available. Thus, it was not open yesterday and it is closed on weekends. So, I'll try again when I get to Picton on Monday.

I'm sitting at a computer in an internet cafe of a company called Global Gossip. They have sites all over Australia, NZ and Fiji, and are very convenient. Their equipment is good and the staff are knowledgeable if I run into problems.

It's obviously popular with international travelers, and they make video phone calls home. I don't understand some of the other things they do, however. For example, there's a young lady at the computer next to me watching webcasts of her favorite TV shows that she evidently missed. A curious way to spend money.

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