In The Beginning ...

... there were healthy feet. This blog will track my journey to Africa, Australia and New Zealand - the fulfillment of a childhood dream of climbing Kilimanjaro, and the experience of a dream adventure: making safari and exploring a bit of our world.

Friday, October 12, 2007

My First Ocean Dives

After a 3-hour boat ride out to Wheeler Reef, well off Magnetic Island, we got into the water rather quickly. The first dive was a general tour of a section of the reef that has a shallow portion (no more than 9 meters deep but mostly 3 meters) and a deeper section (30 meters) before sloping off into the deep. We dove at low tide, so some of the reef was actually above water, and the birds had a fun time getting fish that were trapped in the small pools. We also saw large schools of mackerel feeding, but the guides did not take pictures of that.

The crew was not set up for video, as this was a fairly new dive operator. Too bad, but I do have several good pics to share.

That's a bubble by my head.

I don't remember seeing this much of the reef exposed, but I didn't look off the bow. The snorkelers were given floatation "noodles."

Not bad bouyancy!

I was most impressed by the barracuda, the sea cucumbers (they were large!), and the giant clams. They really are giant, measuring over 4 feet across.

Yup - he was there, along with all his friends and relatives.

It was great fun to glide through this cloud of fish, have them part, and then form up all around me. Way cool.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

2 in the morning and I'm catching up on your blog. It is so fun seeing the pictures. Your dive shots are great. Reading about your time in OZ sure floods my mind with memories of our time there and makes me want to return.
I'll look fwd to reading more.